
董事長/創辦人楊天生給畢業生的勉勵:勿忘朝陽精神 開創嶄新未來




    第二,不能小看自己,每個人都有無限的可能。天生我材必有用,每個人的頭頂上 都有一片天,年輕就是本錢。最近常聽到的話「北漂」或是「南漂」這意味者離開家鄉的舒適圈或是熟悉圈,遠行進入陌生的環境裡打拼,所憑藉著是一份勇氣和理想,沒有理想就學不會飛翔,人生最大的謊言就是「貶低自己、自認不行」。在職涯闖蕩的過程上,難免飽嘗其間的辛酸無助、或平淡孤寂,但是,年輕人志在四方,沉浸在充滿力量的奮發過程上,40歲以前是沒有白天或晚上之分別的,所有的時間都要投入事業拼搏,對年輕人來說磨礪鍛鍊就是生活。人最怕到了中年一事無成,才頓然後悔未曾努力過,時間是不會走回頭路的。近年來知道我們學校大力推動外語訓練和倡導海外遊學,在學校階段即能充分掌握國際產業變化、熟練生產或服務等技術需求、擅長英語會話溝通、理解異國民情文化,使自己扮演好地球村的居民,隨著機會的到來,都樂意前往中國大陸、東南亞或是歐美諸國奮鬥,相信世界各個角落都有自己發揮長才的地方,這才是真正屬於21世紀的人才。先前個人曾說過:台積電是台灣科技業的護國神山,那麼我朝陽校園是台灣培訓英才的護國神山。當然舉凡在本校學習深造的青年人都是各行各業的鼎樑柱。請絕對不要小看自己,出了校園仍要繼續學習,努力耕耘持之以恆,信守滴水穿石的名言,在某個職場上磨練的時間久了,自然終將會成為該行業的專家,結出甜美的果實,甚至創造奇蹟,出類拔萃。


平安進步  鵬程高飛!     


Embrace the Spirit of Chaoyang, Create Your Future
Congratulatory Speech from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Dear Graduates,

You might have heard of this saying: Besides getting married, the joyful event worth celebrating in life is graduation from university. It is a memorable day that you will never forget. In different stages of schooling, campus life in university is the most amazing one. University study, to a great extent, shapes our career development. Due to the epidemic, our youngsters lost many occasions to exhibit their talents in the past year. When Chaoyang graduates are happily expecting their commencement, figuring out what to showcase, imagining the happiness of wearing the graduation cap, taking photos with families and friends, all of a sudden, the severe outbreak this summer turns everything into nothing but panic. You may encounter ups and downs like this time in the future but do not worry, there is always a way out. I have some thoughts for you here.

Know your fate and luck. Fate refers to unchangeable facts that we are born with: genetic genes, gender, intelligent quotient, birthplace, parental health and ancestors' blessings. Luck points to the environment and circumstances that one encounters as one grows up, the extent of individual effort, the cumulation of experience, occasions for teachers to help and opportunities for friends to give a hand. Fate is predetermined, but luck is not. Lyrics from one of the Taiwanese songs said: 30% of success is determined by born nature, while the remaining 70% by endeavor. An idiom also corresponds to this saying: The divine will only pay off those who work hard, not the lazy ones. There is no free ticket. Work hard and stay positive so that you can overcome the unhappiness of your fate and create your luck, your future. See how farmers cultivate. They have to withstand the weather challenge, cold winter, hot summer, heavy rainfall, scorching sun, and sweat all day before they can taste the sweetness of their crop. You must have the perseverance to face the setback and dilemma. Difficulties and opportunities are two sides to the same coin. It all depends on how you perceive it. Take challenges as tempering, frustration as inspiration. Looking back on what I have experienced in Taiwan: the epidemic of infantile paralysis in the early years, the August 7 floods, the broke off of diplomatic relations with the United States, the 921 Earthquake, the SARS and the current COVID-19. These historical incidents tested our wisdom and resilience.

Do not look down on yourself. We all have unlimited possibilities. There must be somewhere that we can show our talent and contribute. Some youngsters choose to leave their homeland and pursue their dreams in other places. They walk out from their comfort zones with courage and vision. Do not underestimate or depreciate yourself. You are young, and it is too soon to say I cannot. Though you inevitably have to face bitterness, loneliness, and desolation on the path to success, nothing can stop you from immersing yourself in hard work and enthusiasm. It is not wrong to work nights and days before your 40s. If you do not want to regret and accomplish nothing in your middle age, get started today for you are only young once. Time would not wait. In recent years, the school offers students various exchange programs and opportunities to learn foreign languages. They can grasp international trends, improve spoken and written English, comprehend different cultures, and take up the role of a global villager. When the moment comes, they can develop abroad in China, South-East Asia, Europe and America. I believe this is what a 21st-century talent should do. I have once said that TSMC (Taiwan chip giant) is the holy mountain protecting Taiwan's technological industry, while Chaoyang is the mountain safeguarding Taiwan's cradle of talent. Chaoyang graduates are pillars and backbones of their industries. You should keep learning and have confidence. After years of perseverance, you may become an expert in your domain, enjoy your harvest and earn remarkable achievements.

Have a grateful heart. The trend of families having fewer children, coupled with the development and innovation of 3C products, has caused a weak sense of teamwork in youth. They love to work alone and avoid interacting with people. Some even lost their ability to analyze and relate. They tend to take things for granted and lack gratitude. Truly it worries me a lot because a cohesive environment is the prerequisite to get things done and draw people working together, especially in an industrialized and urbanized city. My dear graduates, do not forget where you come from: your upbringing from parents, guidance from teachers, encouragement from peers, assistance from community resources, inspiration from seniors, promotion from chiefs and love from spouse and kids. One day when you succeed in your career or enjoy family happiness, be grateful and do your best to give back to your parents, the place where you are born, your alma mater and those who had helped you.

My last couple of words. There are three things you could not wait for: love your parents, nurture your kids and take care of your health. I hope you can remember what I have told you today during this specific moment in your life. Taking this opportunity, I have to thank all faculty members for their contributions. Congratulations once again to all graduates, and I wish you Godspeed.

Tien-Shen Yang
Founder & Chairman of the Board of Trustees


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