CYUT pioneers Digital Diploma for easy verification

Echoing the global trend of digitalization and increasing demand for international talents, the Ministry of Education launches the Digital Diploma Verification System. CYUT is the first technological university in Central Taiwan to participate, granting digital diplomas to 3,228 graduates for the first time this year.
A digital diploma carries the same validity as the original paper diploma. It is easy to access and share for qualification validations and job application purposes. It has a digital fingerprint and a high anti-forgery system embedded, which can completely track the history of the digital diploma to avoid qualification fraud. The Digital Diploma Verification System is a fast, convenient, and reliable verification mechanism. It shortens the verification process, avoids fake certificates, and guarantees authenticity. It facilitates graduates to offer a validation method to potential employers to verify learning records. On the other hand, employers, universities, and other learning institutions can verify the diploma at ease, saving much time on administrative work. CYUT will extend the digital diploma service to benefit alumni in the future.