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Students applying for pandemic leave

  1. Vaccination

Students may apply for pandemic leave if having side effects from the day of vaccination and within two days thereafter for recovery. You should attach a complete screencap of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record or NHI card with a vaccination label as a supporting document.

  1. Confirmed case or Close Contact

Students having COVID-19 or identified as Close Contacts should attach the Quarantine Notification issued by the health authorities as proof. The total leave days should not exceed the quarantine days. If you have home care/self-health management after the quarantine, please call the Health Services Section for assessment and advice first (04-23323000 ext. 5032-5035).

  1. Self-health monitoring

Provide the below documents if the school notify you to carry out self-health monitoring and you need to apply for leave during distance learning:

  1. Epidemic Notification issued by the school, text message, TronClass announcement, or approved leave application (provide complete screencap).
  2. Class schedule for this semester (provide complete screencap).
  3. Supporting documents should include course code, date, student ID, name, etc., for verification.

Discuss with the Health Services Section if you need to apply for leave due to situations other than the above. Few recaps here below:

  1. Leave application without proof will be rejected.
  2. Preferable to have proof issued by regulatory/authoritative units such as the government health unit or the school.
  3. Information such as name, student ID, leave period etc., should include in the proof.
  4. Attach supporting documents in full. Do not crop or edit the screencap.
Added by: COVID-19 Prevention Team
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