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CYUT empowers students with mobility programs

CYUT launched a student mobility program in 2018 to break down financial barriers and empower disadvantaged students. This year, the program received a generous donation of NT$285,000 from Hsinchu North Rotary Club, Elite's International Montessori School Hsinchu, and several Rotary Club members. President Cheng Tao-ming sincerely thanked the donors for their continued support, emphasizing that their contributions are the backbone of the program's success and the key to changing students' lives.

The program operates through a unique fundraising scheme. Every dollar a corporation donates is matched by CYUT and the government, resulting in a powerful triple donation. This approach has received widespread support, raising over NT$60,000,000 in the past six years and benefiting 34,631 students. With the incentive offered, students are freed to focus on their academic pursuits and explore various opportunities such as cross-disciplinary learning, social and cultural activities, domestic and international competitions, overseas exchange, and professional certifications. This holistic approach fosters well-rounded development and upward mobility for students, ensuring that they have equal opportunities to succeed.


“We hope more companies will join us in making a difference for our younger generations and their families,” said the Chairman of Hsinchu North Rotary Club. “Having received help when we were young, we understand the challenges of financial hardship. Now, it’s time to give back.”

“I’m incredibly grateful for the donations from the school and various organizations. Their support helped me overcome difficult times,” said one of the information management students who received a scholarship. “In the future, when I’m able, I want to give back to society and help others in need.”

Added by: Public Affairs Section
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