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Buidling a Sustainable Taiwan: CYUT’s Sustainability Center at the Forefront

As global climate change intensifies, sustainable development becomes a cornerstone of corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. ESG is crucial for evaluating a company's sustainability and guiding investment decisions, with the "Environmental" pillar addressing issues like greenhouse gas emissions, carbon reduction, pollution management, and overall environmental sustainability.

CYUT is at the forefront of these efforts through its Research and Development Center for Sustainability of Environmental Resources. It leverages expertise from the Environmental Engineering and Management Department and the Applied Chemistry Department to offer a wide range of services. The Center is internationally certified by TAF for environmental testing and offers consultation services for ISO14064-1 and ISO14067. It provides testing for solid recovered fuels, waste, soil, and water quality, along with environmental education services. The Center is dedicated to finding solutions for global carbon reduction trends and green energy, meeting corporate needs for carbon footprint, carbon inventory, and environmental sustainability policies.

In response to the global push for “net-zero emissions," the Ministry of Environment has revised the "Climate Change Response Act" to include the 2050 net-zero emissions target. The Center organizes environmental education activities and assists companies in offering environmental and carbon inventory courses. This collaboration strengthens Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and University Social Responsibility (USR), promotes waste reduction, raises awareness about environmental protection, and supports carbon and water footprint tracking in company production processes. By feeding collected carbon data back into process improvements, the Center helps reduce carbon emissions to meet net-zero targets.

The Center has established a high-quality, sustainable laboratory equipped with advanced instruments such as X-ray diffractometers and gas chromatography-mass spectrometers to provide companies with accurate testing and analysis. The Center's expertise extends beyond the campus, assisting environmental protection bureaus and consulting firms with waste sampling and testing services for incineration plants and landfills. It offers a comprehensive standard operating procedure from professional sampling to data reporting, helping companies achieve low-carbon transformation in line with ESG goals and ultimately enhancing Taiwan's overall sustainable competitiveness.

Added by: Public Affairs Section
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