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Cultivating a Sustainable Future: CYUT’s Low-Carbon Farming Gains Recognition

CYUT recently hosted a forum on developing light agricultural processing and low-carbon farming in Taiwan. The forum echoed the goals of the Ministry of Education's USR program and the Ministry of Agriculture's sustainable agriculture initiative. CYUT Vice President Sung-Chi Hsu opened the event, followed by keynote speeches from industry leaders, government officials, and academic experts on agricultural transformation and light processing techniques.

Professor Kuan-Chuan Tao, from CYUT’s Department of Leisure Services Management, emphasized the global focus on achieving net-zero emissions. He highlighted how primary processing methods, such as drying, grinding, milling, roasting, and refrigeration/freezing, align with this goal. These techniques are characterized by low additives, low energy consumption, and minimal pollution, increasing farmers' income and reducing waste. Professor Tao stressed the future's direction on delivering high-quality primary processed products to consumers and fostering a six-grade agricultural industry.

A number of experts were invited to share their views on food and agriculture education, the application of modern technology in agricultural product processing and food safety management, and analyzed the low-carbon strategy of the domestic agricultural production supply chain and the trend of light agricultural processing management. Professor Wei-Jyun Chien from CYUT's Green Agriculture Technology Center introduced the application of AI in friendly farming and shared successful cases overseas.

Wang Yifeng, General Manager of the Kouhu Fisheries Cooperative, shared their experiences in revitalizing local communities through aquaculture technology. Their successful tilapia farming methods utilize fishery and electricity symbiosis, demonstrating reduced carbon emissions and increased production. The cooperative's development of various processed products further exemplifies this commitment to sustainability. The forum emphasized the importance of a low-carbon and friendly environment and hoped to create a new path for sustainable agriculture.

Added by: Public Affairs Section
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