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Students Shine in National Professional Ethics Competition

CYUT's Landscape and Urban Design students have excelled in the 9th National Professional Ethics Competition. Four teams were selected to participate, with two teams winning honorable mentions in the finals. These student projects explored ethical issues related to land development and environmental impact, demonstrating their critical thinking and decision-making skills.

The award-winning teams tackled complex issues such as redeveloping a historic marketplace after a fire and the balancing act between preserving agricultural land and promoting renewable energy. Both projects showcased the student's ability to analyze diverse perspectives and propose solutions that consider both social and environmental well-being, leaving a lasting impression on the judges.

This success reflects CYUT's dedication to fostering well-rounded professionals. Professional ethics are closely related to social responsibility, encompassing design ethics, business ethics, engineering ethics, and challenges arising from AI and sustainable development. Exploring these topics is essential for students to ensure a balanced focus on both knowledge and technical aspects without neglecting professional ethics. The Department of Landscape and Urban Design takes pride in its students demonstrating their ability to apply ethical principles to real-world situations, making them valuable assets to the industry.

Added by: Public Affairs Section
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