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CYUT students win first with innovative sustainability project

The Ministry of Education's 2024 National Student Project Competition was a platform for students in technical and vocational colleges to showcase their integration of studies with real-world practices. Among the 1,283 projects from 50 schools, a student team from CYUT's Department of Leisure Services Management, who demonstrated exceptional dedication and innovation, won first place.

Students from the Leisure Services Management, involved in the Ministry of Education's USR Program for urban-rural co-prosperity, have innovatively developed primary processed products using Dongshi's Murcott oranges, including sausage, rice noodles, radish cake, fish balls, and jam, making a substantial impact on the local community. Their initiatives aim to reduce carbon emissions, contribute to local revitalization, and promote environmental sustainability, fostering a strong sense of pride and community connection.

Primary processing methods, such as drying, grinding, milling, roasting, and refrigeration/freezing, align with the global focus on achieving net-zero emissions. These techniques are characterized by low additives, low energy consumption, and minimal pollution, increasing farmers' income and reducing waste. In the future, the Department will move towards helping local farmers deliver high-quality primary processed products to consumers and foster a six-level agricultural industry.

Professor Kuan-Chuan Tao, supervisor of the student team, mentioned that climate change has significantly impacted the yield and quality of Dongshi's Murcott oranges in recent years. The USR team developed locally distinctive and highly nutritious primary processed products to prevent losses from a large amount of wasted fruit. These products have received high praise for enhancing local characteristics and reducing agricultural waste. The USR team plans to introduce a cooperative model with middle-aged and elderly individuals to promote workplace friendliness and address rural development challenges. They focus on "innovation, zero additives, and friendly food" as the main themes to establish a central kitchen and sales outlets, continuing to revitalize the rural economy. This initiative aims to create a sustainable rural community where the young and old learn and prosper together.

Added by: Public Affairs Section
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