
【語言中心|2024 年全國大專校院「我的學院科系特色」英文迷因創作競賽】“ What’s your Major” English Meme Creation Contest

2024 年全國大專校院「我的學院科系特色」英文迷因創作競賽
2024 年全國大專校院「我的學院科系特色」英文迷因創作競賽



2024 年全國大專校院「我的學院科系特色」英文迷因創作競賽辦法


一、 宗旨:為推廣朝陽科技大學語言中心 English as a Medium of Instruction(EMI)Bridge 字彙題庫之建置,以及鼓勵數位世代的學生探索自身學系特色與發展,並應用英文至生活中。本計畫期望透過有趣的梗圖設計圖片或原創照片,結合 EMI Bridge 字彙巧思,以「我的學院科系特色」為主要概念,搭配創意幽默的方式展現英語圖文創作、數位製作、表達能力。

二、 主辦單位:朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院語言中心

三、 參加對象:全國公私立大專校院(含五專四、五年級)在學學生,每組1-3人為限。

四、 競賽活動規劃:

(一)報名時程:2024 年8月30日(星期五)起至  10 月 25 日 (星期五)。

(二)第一階段初審:2024年10月28日(星期一)~ 11月8日(星期五) 。

(三)第二階段複審:2024年11月11日(星期一)~ 11月22日(星期五) 。

(四)公布得獎訊息:2024年 11月 29 日(五)於語言中心網站公布,並個別通知得獎者。

五、  競賽方式:

(一)報名方式:採線上方式進行,參賽學生於113年 10 月 25 日 (五) 17:00前至語言中心網站: https://forms.gle/kyffWMdrvFCA25rD7完成報名、參賽者需自行繳交(1)「我的學院科系特色」英文迷因創作同意書暨報名表(報名表請在語言中心網站下載,並於報名表中填寫創作者簡歷或簡介),與(2)迷因圖檔上傳,檔案標題學校名稱_組員姓名_迷因標題,如:朝陽科大_王大明_EMI MEME


(二) 競賽規定:




(2)迷因創作理念說明,須以英文書寫約50~100字(如圖)。迷因中的英文字句須從語言中心的EMI Bridge字彙清單中 (單字庫的連結請至本校語言中心網站EMI專區「課程資源」查詢:https://lc1.cyut.edu.tw/p/404-1062-47795.php?Lang=zh-tw)至少挑選一個單字為基底進行創作,且以「我的學院科系特色」作為發想主軸,例如介紹學系特色優勢、個人體悟或記憶、課程趣事、求學甘苦談、專業能力培養過程、實習相關、未來職業發展和前景…等。

3. 參賽作品須為原創,若與AI協作需列出使用工具,由參賽者親自製作、未曾公開發表,且不可挪用、抄襲、修改、模仿、裁切、翻拍、合成等他人圖(照)片、文句或設計概念,不可有歧視、色情、暴力、毀謗、妨礙社會正當風俗、侵害他人隱私權或違反相關法令規定等,違反者將取消資格。

4. 參賽作品格式繳交僅限「數位圖檔」*.jpg、*.png之檔案格式,作品解析度150 dpi(以上),每張不超過10MB為限。


1.  第一階段初審,篩選依據包括:繳交檔案資料齊全、格式正確、主題相關。通過初審後將符合競賽規定之檔案進入第二階段複審。

2.  第二階段匿名複審,由三位評審老師(語言、設計專業教師)進行作品評閱。

3. 依評選分數取前三名以及佳作。若遇同分則邀請第四位評審評閱。


1.  文案與理念說明40%:英文傳達之訊息具有意義(埋哏)、用字精準、深度、趣味性,並具話題性或教育意涵。

2.  主題適當30%:作品內容切合主題,迷因創作之英文確實選自EMI Bridge單字庫的單字或參考例句改寫,參考例句比例至多20%,不可全部照抄範例句。迷因的文句不過短、過長(約2~30字之間),且符合「我的學院科系特色」之徵件主題,單字庫的連結請至本校語言中心「EMI專區」查詢:https://lc1.cyut.edu.tw/p/404-1062-47795.php?Lang=zh-tw )

3. 設計創意30%:整體構圖、文字鋪陳、情節表現手法,視覺呈現與迷因文字搭配等。















2024 Chaoyang University of Technology

“What’s your Major” English Meme Creation Contest

1. Purpose:

To promote the establishment of the EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Bridge vocabulary database by the Language Center of Chaoyang University of Technology and to encourage students to explore and develop the characteristics of their respective departments (colleges). The aim is also to apply English in daily life. This contest expects participants to create interesting memes or original photos combining EMI Bridge vocabulary, showing “What’s your Major” as the main concept and presenting creative and humorous English text and digital expressions.

2. Organizer: 

Language Center, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chaoyang University of Technology

3. Participants: 

Students from all public and private colleges and universities (including fourth and fifth-year students from Junior College) in Taiwan. Each team is limited to 1-3 members.

4. Competition dates:

(1) Registration Period: From Friday, August 30, 2024, to Friday, October 25, 2024.

(2) First Round Screening: Monday, October 28, 2024, to Friday, November 8, 2024.

(3) Second Round Screening: Monday, November 11, 2024, to Friday, November 22, 2024.

(4) Announcement of Winners: Winners will be announced on Friday, November 29, 2024, on the

Language Center website, and notified individually.

5. Registration:

(1) Registration Method: Registration is conducted online. Participating students must complete registration before 17:00 on Friday, October 25, 2024, via the Language Center website: [Registration Form]( https://forms.gle/kyffWMdrvFCA25rD7). Participants must submit (1) a “What’s your major” English meme creation consent form and registration form (downloadable from the Language Center website, including a brief bio of the creators), and (2) the meme image file. The file title format should be: School Name_Team Member Name_MemeTitle (e.g., CYUT_JohnDoe_EMIME ME).

(2) Rules:

A. Participants must complete the submission of the meme registration form and image file before the deadline; otherwise, they will be disqualified.

B. Each group must send their entries in a digital image format to the designated email. Meme content requirements:

(a) The English text in the meme image should be between 2 to 30 words, with no specific presentation format required.

(b) brief explanation of the meme creation concept, written in English, should be approximately 50 to 100 words. The English text in the meme must use at least one word from the EMI Bridge vocabulary list and should revolve around “What’s your major”, such as department or college strengths, college life, personal insights or memories, course anecdotes, academic struggles, professional skills development, internship experiences, future career prospects, etc.

C. All entries must be original. If collaborating with AI tools, the tools used must be listed. Entries should be created by the participants, not previously published, and should not copy, modify, imitate, cut, reshoot, or synthesize others’ images, texts, or design concepts. Entries should not contain discrimination, violence, defamation, offenses against public order and good morals, infringement of others’ privacy, or any violations of related laws. Violations will result in disqualification.

D. Entries must be submitted in digital format only, in *.jpg or *.png file format, with a resolution of at least 150 dpi. Each image file size should not exceed 10MB.

(3). Execution Method:

First Round Screening: Entries will be screened based on completeness of submitted materials, correct format, and theme relevance. Entries passing the first screening will proceed to the second round. Second Round Anonymous Review: Three judges (language and design professionals) will review the entries. The top three and honorable mentions will be selected based on the scores. In case of a tie, a fourth judge will be invited to review.

(4). Judging Criteria:

A. Content and Concept Explanation (40%):** The English message should be meaningful (have a punchline), precise in word choice, profound, and interesting, with a focus on relevance or educational value.

B. Theme Appropriateness (30%): The content must align with the theme, and the English text in the meme must be chosen from the EMI Bridge vocabulary or rephrased from example sentences (up to 20% of the text can be from example sentences; no full copying allowed). The meme text should not be too short or too long (about 2-30 words) and should fit the "My College/Department Characteristics" theme. For vocabulary links, visit the EMI resources section on the Language Center website: [EMI Resources] (https://lc1.cyut.edu.tw/p/404-1062-47795.php?Lang=zh-tw).

C. Design Creativity (30%): Overall composition, text layout, expression techniques, visual presentation, and how the text complements the meme.

6. Awards:

 Based on the evaluation scores, the top six entries will be awarded as follows:

 Champion: NT$3,000 and a certificate (1 team).

 Second Place: NT$2,000 and a certificate (1 team).

 Third Place: NT$1,500 and a certificate (1 team).

 Honorable Mention: NT$1,000 and a certificate (3 teams).

 7. Important Notes:

 (1) Impersonation is prohibited; violators will be disqualified upon verification.

 (2) Each person is limited to one entry and cannot participate in multiple teams or submit multiple entries.

 (3) Winners using bank accounts other than (Taiwan Cooperative Bank) will incur interbank fees.

 (4) Registration implies acceptance of the contest rules and respect for the judges’ decisions and results.

 (5) The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, interpret, or terminate the event. Any changes will be announced on the Chaoyang University of Technology Language Center website: https://lc.cyut.edu.tw/CyutLC_Web/Lang/Active1.aspx?mode=recent

發佈單位: 語言中心