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Ensure Air Conditioning Efficiency

To maximize the effectiveness of the air conditioning and promote energy conservation, please ensure that doors and windows are closed when the air conditioning is in use to prevent cool air from escaping.

  1. Recently, students have reported that classrooms are not cooling properly. Upon inspection, it was found that windows are often left open, and doors are not securely closed after people enter or exit, causing the cool air to escape and the room to heat up.
  2. When using air conditioning, please remind each other to "close doors and windows at all times." Additionally, consider using fans to improve air circulation and speed up the cooling process. The last person to leave the classroom should also turn off the air conditioning.
  3. For issues with air conditioning or classroom equipment, please contact the respective building's maintenance office or call extensions 6072-6078. Our team will promptly address the issue.

Added by: Plant Services Section
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